Hari Lualhati’s fourth series titled “Transcend” will launch her latest masterpieces which she calls her “SOULWORKS” (instead of artworks) because according to her, they are they are not just artworks, they are souls represented in art. She considers her SOULWORKS as a direct connection to her soul and a great representation of the things that matters to her that she wants to share to the viewers.
The concept of her latest series revolves around powerful life lessons, aha moments and realizations she has gained from life.
“These are those “Moments” that made huge impact in my life and have taught me to be a better version of myself. I would like to preserve and pass these lessons and inspirations to others through the best way I can and that is through my soulworks. I believe that we are all connected as human beings and that we share the same emotions. I hope that the audience could see part of themselves through my soulworks and hopefully connect to them and inspire them to have a more positive outlook in life. “Hari Lualhati
If you want to own an ORIGINAL ARTWORK from the Latest Series (4th Series) of HARI LUALHATI,
email me at [email protected]
Hari Lualhati’s fourth series titled “Transcend” will launch her latest masterpieces which she calls her “SOULWORKS” (instead of artworks) because according to her, they are they are not just artworks, they are souls represented in art. She considers her SOULWORKS as a direct connection to her soul and a great representation of the things that matters to her that she wants to share to the viewers.
The concept of her latest series revolves around powerful life lessons, aha moments and realizations she has gained from life.
“These are those “Moments” that made huge impact in my life and have taught me to be a better version of myself. I would like to preserve and pass these lessons and inspirations to others through the best way I can and that is through my soulworks. I believe that we are all connected as human beings and that we share the same emotions. I hope that the audience could see part of themselves through my soulworks and hopefully connect to them and inspire them to have a more positive outlook in life. “Hari Lualhati
If you want to own an ORIGINAL ARTWORK from the Latest Series (4th Series) of HARI LUALHATI,
email me at [email protected]